
  • Upload a copy of your handout to the discussion board by 9:30 AM on September 30.
    • Handouts will be uploaded to a discussion board so that team members can easily access, open, and download the handouts. Using a discussion board for this assignment eliminates the need for you to upload/share your handout to multiple places in multiple ways.
  • The handout must be polished, typo-free, and use logical and consistent formatting.
  • The handout must be well organized.
    • Use clear and appropriate headings
    • Use a logical sequence of information that makes sense with and without your presentation and guidance
    • Use formatting that makes the handout easy to read
    • Team members must be able to understand and use the content of your handout without needing to ask you for clarification
    • Aim for the handout to be highly informative, but not crowded or difficult to read
  • The handout must be 1-2 pages, front and back (“1-2 pages, front and back” means a single sheet of paper, but you may use the front and back of the sheet of paper – if your handout is more than 2 pages, or more than 1 piece of paper, then you are not meeting this requirement)
  • The handout must include at least one chart, graph, or figure that helps to illustrate a complex idea or issue, or that helps readers visually situate information that may otherwise be difficult to understand. See the UNC Handout “Figures and Charts” (Links to an external site.) to help you complete this requirement.
  • The handout must offer information beyond what your team members already read in the Globalization book (the little book).
  • Your references must be cited in a “Works Cited” section.
  • You must submit your handout to this assignment as a .doc, .docx, or PDF file.


“Between grassroots and treetops: Community power and institutional dependence in the renewable energy sector in Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands,”

The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark (Links to an external site.)

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Links to an external site.)

The Danish energy model: Innovative efficient and sustainable (Links to an external site.)


The State and Local Role in Protecting America’s Environment (Links to an external site.)

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (Links to an external site.)

US Energy Facts Explained (Links to an external site.)

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