Pre-Briefing Simulation And Drug Cards PATIENT: Keola Akana THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS TWO PART QUESTIONS INSTRUCTION Please keep in mind you will also be required to recognize a variety of signs and symptoms linked to abnormalities in these skills. Therefore, in order to prepare for the simulation, you are required to complete the Pre-Briefing questions & Drug Cards below and submit to the faculty facilitating the simulation prior to the start of pre-briefing. If you do not complete the pre-briefing questions below and submit to faculty facilitating the simulation prior to the start of pre-briefing, you will not be permitted to participate in the simulation. PART 1 QUESTIONS SCENARIO OVERVIEW: Keola Akana is a 70-year-old male with a history of heart failure. He was admitted to the medical-surgical unit early on Monday morning for medication adjustment, monitoring, and cardiac rehabilitation. The scenario takes place on Monday at 0900, at which time morning medications are due. 1. What are the nutritional implications, key assessment findings, and nursing interventions for a patient with hypokalemia? 2. What are the signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity and how would the nurse assess for these symptoms? In your response, be sure to include specific body systems. 3. How would the nurse provide family-centered care? PLEASE USE REFERENCE LESS THAN 5 YEARS OLD AND APA FORMAT NEEDED. PART 11 QUESTIONS SCENARIO OVERVIEW: Keola Akana is a 70-year-old male with a history of heart failure. He was admitted to the medical-surgical unit early on Monday morning for medication adjustment, monitoring and cardiac rehabilitation. During this scenario, students will have the opportunity to assess and manage medication administration for a patient experiencing digoxin toxicity. FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING DRUGS BELOW THAT WAS PRESCRIBED FOR THE ABOVE PATIENT WITH HEART FAILURE, WRITE OUT IN DRUG CARD FORMAT FOLLOWING THE HEADING BELOW 1) THE INDICATION, (2) DOSAGE, (3) CONTRAINDICATION, (4) SIDE EFFECTS, (5) ADVERSE EFFECTS AND (6) NURSING CONSIDERATION ⦁ Patient: Keola Akana Drug Lists Lasix 40 mg po now and daily Potassium Chloride CR 10 mEq po daily Digoxin 0.25 mg po now and daily Atenolol 50mg po now and daily Acetaminophen 650 mg po Q 4 hrs PRN mild pain or temp greater than 101.3 IV saline flush Q 8hrs and PRN N:B: SEE THE ATTACHED SAMPLE OF THE DRUG CARD LIST
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