1/There’s a feedback for FOCUS Assessment form in the pictures please continue in the file and follow the feedback in blue and download it from the document i download.

2/ Use https://www.positiveintelligence.com/assessments/ write 1 to 2 pages follow the instructions below:

  • Did your results surprise you? Why or why not?
  • Do you see how the saboteurs play out in your everyday life? Give specific examples.
  • Now that you know about your saboteurs, what steps do you think you could you take to “quiet” them so you may reach your POTENTIAL?

3/ Use the POSSIBLE LIFE FORM I download and in the nest file i downloaded the one i did with my instructor feedback. The instructions was ( you are required to explore three future paths. The first “Possible Life” must be turned in by the date posted on the schedule of work – complete the form, print it, and turn it in on the specified day. I will provide feedback so you are on the right track for your next two “Possible Life” assignments. All three are required for the portfolio. )

Fillable Form: Possible Life – fillable form

Assignment details: Possible Lives OVERVIEW.

The following websites/charts will be helpful to you when gathering financial details for your possible lives:

  • O*net. This website draws information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (updated semiannually). All you have to do is select your profession and where you will be living to find out how much money you will potentially earn.
  • Calculator.net. Once you know how much you will earn in you possible career, calculate your expenses (mortgage or rent) and monthly or weekly income (take home paycheck). This is a great tool to see if the money you earn will allow you to realistically live the lifestyle you hope to have.
  • Realtor.com You may look up houses/apartments to buy or rent by location to gain a sense of how much your future housing may cost…and whether or not it is realistic.
  • Move.org How much should you estimate for your utility bills? There are a number of factors to consider. Review this website to learn more.
  • Use this Financial Aid Loan Repayment Chart to determine your monthly bill: Sample Loan Repayment Chart.pdf

Both your first and final copy of your Possible Life #1 and Possible Life #2 and #3 are to be included in your final portfolio and will be counted toward the portfolio portion of your overall grade (see syllabus for grade expectations)

4/ My resume check mine and read her feed back and improve it by following her instructions: For the objective statement

  • A resume objective is a short, targeted statement that clearly outlines your career direction while simultaneously positioning you as someone who fits what employer is looking for exactly. Your objective is carefully researched and tailored to fit the job for which you’re applying.
  • it allows you to define your goal to a potential employer… something that your work history (or lack thereof) might not otherwise be able to do for you.
  • your objective statement will change depending on the job for which you are applying!


  • Make sure it adds value to your resume, is not too vague, but is short and to the point.
  • Hard working business management graduate with proven leadership and organizational skills seeking to apply my abilities to the position of junior assistant to the CEO at Warbucks financial.


5/Action plan form I’ll download it.

6/ Elevator speech i’ll download it

7/ Professional TIFIKS i’ll download it.

8/ Portofolio Narrative


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