Needs to be in PPT form or ready to be put into PPT, rubric needs to be followed Explore the technology systems offered by Nanthealth, a provider of “telehealth” and health management services via the following link: Prepare a brief (8-10 slides) PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following: 1. Identify at least two technology innovations to connect patients, providers, and insurers across the care continuum. 2. Describe how the technologies work to provide patients and providers with data necessary for health care decision making. 3. Discuss how the real-time data encourages outcome-focused planning. 4. Predict what impact the technology will have on future health care delivery. Provide rationale and examples. Presentations must include speakers’ notes on each slide, as well as references for the presentation. A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment. The slide count (8-10 slides) does not include the introduction and References slide(s). Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. Rubric: 1. Presentation identifies two technology innovations to connect patients, providers, and insurers across the care continuum. 2. Presentation’s description for how the technologies work to provide patients and providers with data necessary for health care decision is offered in an accurate manner with details and supported with examples. 3. Discussion for how the real-time data encourages outcome-focused planning is offered in an accurate manner with details and supported with examples. 4. Prediction to the impact the technology will have on future health care delivery offered in a specific terms and supported with rationale and examples. 5. The content is written clearly and concisely. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The project includes motivating questions and advanced organizers. The project gives the audience a clear sense of the main idea. 6. The writer uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in distinctive and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope.
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