PowerPoint presentation (11-15 slides) that is narrated (7-10 minutes) or includes presenter notes along with a self-review of the presentation.
Part 1: Presentation of Action Research Results
Either record a narrated presentation using Kaltura Media (see above), or write detailed presenter notes for each PowerPoint slide. Your presentation should be 7–10 minutes long and include the same components as your action research report, as follows:
- Cover: One slide that includes the name and number of the course, name of presentation, submission date, name of learner, and contact information.
- Introduction: One slide that provides a brief introduction to the study, describes the study setting, and explains why the setting was chosen for this study. This is the “elevator” speech of the study and captures an overview in one small paragraph.
- Scenario: One slide that details the problem that was studied, describes the purpose of the completed study, and explains who might benefit from the findings and why. This includes the key question(s) that were asked.
- Analysis of the Situation: A section of two to three slides that describes what you have discovered about the topic to inform the study design. What key concepts and studies are relevant to the study?
- Complete a review of at least three related peer-reviewed research articles on the topic studied.
- Identify what has been studied on the topic and what has not been studied or studied very little. In addition, identify areas where findings are not in agreement on the topic you studied. Identify the leading theory you found.
- Diversity: One slide that directly addresses embedded diversity issues within the study topic and how this research could be used to enhance learning for students of all cultural backgrounds and learning needs.
- Implementation and Design: A section of three to four slides that describes how data were collected, from baseline data to post-test data.
- Baseline Data: Provide a description of baseline data or information you have gathered and reviewed to inform the development of the study.
- Describe what instruments were used to collect data and how they were shown to be valid and reliable.
- Provide information or baseline data that you gathered through interviewing or surveying individuals, archival data collected on students or others (for example, tests or grades), observations you made related to the problem, and so on.
- Describe the population and sample from whom the data were collected, and provide a rationale for targeting the population and selecting the sample.
- Describe how data were physically collected using a step-by-step approach (a blueprint of what you did).
- Include rationale for what technology was integrated to enhance the research; this could have been via the application and/or the assessment and potential outcomes.
- Ethics: One slide that names the primary stakeholders involved in gaining access to the site and the ethical considerations that were needed. Address any issues that arose in terms of ethics.
- Data Analysis: A section of one to two slides that describes how data were analyzed and processed to generate findings in order to inform decision making and practice.
- How were data analyzed and interpreted? Did I stay true to the original design plan?
- How can findings be interpreted? Would a different action have had better results? What was unexpected?
- What can I conclude from the information/data analysis? Are my conclusions based solely on the evidence?
- Reflecting Stage: A section of one to three slides that describes the proposed actions of the reflecting stage of the study, such as the possible implications of the findings on future practice and decision making, how the findings might be used or applied in the respective setting, how results will be shared and communicated, and a reflection on possible factors and other variables that may affect the findings.
- What can be concluded about what needs to happen next?
- What are the implications for the next steps in the cycle?
- How does the next action reflect previous learning?
- Summary: One slide that sums up the study and addresses the questions: How do I know if the changes resulted in improvement? How do these changes impact instruction?
- References: This section should list, in APA format, the scholarly references used in creating the plan, especially with regard to the review of the literature.
Again, make sure you have either annotated notes on how you would present this information within the presenter notes section of each slide of the PowerPoint presentation, or record your narration using Kaltura.
Part 2: Self-Review of Action Research Presentation
For the second part of the assessment, use the Review Template to review your own presentation. Your goal is to assess your presentation in terms of:
- How well did I effectively communicate the research to the stakeholders?
- How did the research address the needs of diverse populations, and was it appropriate for all learning needs?
- Did the research implement appropriate assessment strategies to drive learning improvement?
- Did the research use relevant learning theories to support change?
- How was technology integrated and addressed to support improvement?
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