Respond to the following student: This week discusiion board is about: Why is ongoing evaluation of the strengths and needs of individuals with ASD in varied contexts important? What does this look like in practice?

1. (Mariel) Ongoing evaluations of strengths and needs of individuals with ASD are important as they track progress and provide feedback on the IEP goals as well as the student’s gaps. Evaluations look very differently depending on the skill you are assessing. Some skills require constant data tracking such as behavioral needs. Some require daily, while others could be tracked weekly. The type of evaluation needs to match the skill that you are assessing. These evaluations inform decisions and determine whether or not the student is benefiting from the instruction and intervention. It is also important to administer evaluations across varied settings to assess generalization and mastery of the skills the student is working on.

2. (Andrea) Ongoing evaluation of the strengths and needs of individuals with ASD in varied contexts is important because you need to make sure that the goals and services that the student has is appropriate. Are the goals too hard or are they accomplishing them? Is there more that the student is capable of doing? Or also checking is the goal is too high and the student needs a different goal or some modifications. It is also good to used the ongoing evaluation to ensure that the services that the student is receiving is appropriate. Do they need more or less interventions? The evaluations also allow educators and members of the team to ensure that the student is headed down the right path. They also keep providers honest and accountable to do what they say they are doing. Ongoing evaluations should be both formal and informal and happen throughout the IEP period. It shouldn’t just happen right before the IEP meeting.

The teachers should be doing benchmark testing 3-4 times a year. This would be having a baseline score of where the student is now and then compare the scores throughout the year. These benchmarks should go with the IEP goals. Service providers should also perform evaluations 3 – 4 times a year to see if the student is growing from their services.

This discussion is about: Why is ongoing evaluation of the strengths and needs of individuals with ASD in varied contexts important? What does this look like in practice?

1. (HEATH) The ongoing evaluation of strengths and needs of individuals with ASD in a variety of contexts and environments is important because just as with any students, students with ASD develop and gain knowledge over time. Students are not stagnant and will continue to change and mature. “Studying a child within a developmental framework provides a benchmark for understanding the severity or quality of delays or deviance.” (Ozonoff, Goodlin-Jones, & Solomon, 2005, page 254)

Continuing to assess students in order to measure student growth and progress is an example of what evaluation looks like in practice. This would be also considered data collection and progress monitoring. By continually using different means of assessment, we as teachers or specialists learn more about the student as a whole and are better equipped to serve the student. The assessment we use will drive the “what?” in teaching the students especially to guide the goals for their areas of deficits. Using the curriculum is the “how?” to teach the students and by progress monitoring we are able to adapt the curriculum and put supports into place to give the students opportunities for success.

Have a wonderful day!



Ozonoff, S., Goodlin-Jones, B., & Solomon, M. (2005). Evidence-Based Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 34(3), 523-540. https//

2. (SaRA) Progress monitoring our students present levels of performance and doing so continuously allows us to adapt to their needs and provide intervention and support adequately. As the students enthronement and settings may change (change of grades, teachers, transitions) we need to be able to recognize changes in the student emotionally and academically and provide support as needed. Progress monitoring can consist of observations, work samples, checklists, informal assessments, and data sheets (ASHA, n.d.). Individuals that should be collecting data should consist of all individuals working with the student. How progress monitoring and evaluations are conducted should be outlined in the IEP and reviewed by the members of the team often to access for areas of need and areas of strengths. Data should be presented in IEP meetings to reflect the students areas of needs and strengths and then the education plan should be created to reflect the students needs and preferences. Lack of collection of data is an inaccurate reflection of the students needs and does not create a person centered IEP as needs are unknown (ASHA, n.d.).


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from…

3. (KEKE) Ongoing evaluation of a student’s strengths and needs are essential. The ongoing evaluations allow the teacher and student to check learning progress. A student with Autism needs their strengths and needs monitored in order to provide the support the student need. ASD students need evidence-based practices and interventions that require different steps to be meet before achieving the goal. Therefore, it is important to be aware of how the student is progressing. These evaluations provide the teacher with insight if the interventions are affective or not.

The teachers working with the student will need insight on the student’s goals and understand how to collect data. Progressing monitoring will all look different depending on the needs of the student, however all data need to given in order to ensure IEP is written collecting and interventions will meet the student’s needs. The data collected will be presented at the IEP meeting and the team will use the given data to map out a IEP to reflect the student’s strength and needs.

Durocher, J. S. (n.d.). Assessment for the Purpose of Instructional Planning for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Retrieved from…

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