Writing a wild card scenario

In Week 6, you looked at trends and driving forces that may have an impact on your organization in the long term. For this Assignment, review the data collected from previous weeks, and continue to do research using the Internet, databases, government reports, newspaper articles, and other sources. For this Assignment, consider trends and driving forces. Explain which are the most important and likely to have the most impact, as well as which are the least predictable and would have the most negative impact on your organization. Finally, stretch your imagination and build one wild card scenario that may impact your organization in 10 years by looking at the data and information on the organization’s risks and vulnerabilities. Use the nonprofit or government organization you have selected for your Final Project, and provide the following: Summarize which trends and driving forces are the most important and will have the most impact on your organization in 10 years. Are any of these inevitable or pre-determined? Summarize which forces are least predictable and would have the most negative impact on your organization. Explain an unpredictable event that may have a significant positive impact on your organization in 10 years and in 20 years. Imagine your organization in 2025 and write a 1-page wild card scenario for your organization by looking at its risks and vulnerabilities. The Assignment should follow APA 6th edition guidelines:

Title page Running head Introduction and Conclusion Level 1 headings to define sections 3–5 pages in length, double spaced, 12 pt Times Roman font 3–5 references cited in the text and a reference list Readings Fukuyama, F. (2007). The challenges of uncertainty: An introduction. In F. Fukuyama (Ed.), Blindside: How to anticipate forcing events and wild cards in global politics (ebrary version, pp. 1–6). Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. Retrieved from the Walden University Library databases. Schwartz, P., & Randall, D. (2007). Ahead of the curve: Anticipating strategic surprise. In F. Fukuyama (Ed.), Blindside: How to anticipate forcing events and wild cards in global politics (ebrary version, pp. 93–108). Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. Retrieved from the Walden University Library databases. Masys, A. J. (2012). Black swans to grey swans: Revealing the uncertainty. Disaster Prevention and Management, 21(3), pp. 320–335. Retrieved from the Walden University Library databases Wade, P. A., & Wade, W. (2012). Scenario planning: A field guide to the future [ebrary version]. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Retrieved from the Walden University Library databases. Chapter 4, “Black Swans” (pp. 140–153)

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