Please keep in mind I’m Jewish and Persian Just if you could base it around that it would be great! Here is the discussion instructions

er, Politics, and Glory

1818 unread replies.1818 replies.

This discussion topic will recur in every chapter. Your job is to post one, two or more images of something that you associate with “your culture” and relate it using the below rubric to the chapter materials. I am using culture in general terms and not limited to ethnicity. The city of Santa Monica has a culture, as does SMC. I am a surfer and there are definitely different surf cultures that exist in LA. I personally identify with the Wanderlust surf culture. Feel free to find an image from the web, or post one that you have taken or an image of something that you have created.

You should describe the image or images that you post so we have a context of what they mean. You should relate your contemporary images to at least two works of art in the chapter. You should comment on someone elses post and add something positive. 5 points for each category for a total of 20.

5 points- Image posted

5 points- Image described

5 points- Related to chapter material

5 points- Comment on someone else

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