To complete this assignment, use the case study below for a patient population for special consideration during prescribing practices. You will consider the specific patient and determine the appropriate medication to prescribe, based on the patient specifics and medication attributes in various case studies. You will construct a 4- to 5-page paper in which you determine the medication, the dosing, necessary patient education, and potential side effects. You will also indicate why the other medications would not be appropriate, as well as any necessary labs or diagnostics that might be needed. You will develop a plan to enhance medication adherence for the nonadherent patient.

Patient 1: 82-year-old male presenting with cognitive decline. He had always been a very active individual. Over the past year, he has become less active in the community. Previously, he played cribbage weekly with friends at the local senior center but has been struggling with the math involved with the game and no longer attends the weekly card game. He had also volunteered as a crossing guard for the local public school. He quit doing that after he took the wrong turn to get home and drove around the town feeling lost. He acknowledges he is “sensitive” to this and can be irritable towards his children when they bring up these concerns. He was diagnosed with mild neurocognitive disorder after completing neuropsychological testing. Of the following medications, which would be the most appropriate to prescribe? Explain why you chose this medication. What would be the dosing schedule for this patient? Provide education to the patient and review risks, benefits, and potential side effects of the medication. In addition, explain why the other medications listed are not appropriate for this patient. Med List: lorazepam, olanzapine, memantine

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