Please respond to the 2 separate student discussion responses below in 150 to 200 words each and 1 APA citation each.


Harrington, R. (2017). Understanding the core features needed for online systems. . Retrieved from…

Harrington, R. (2017). Using online project management tools. [ video file]. Retrieved from…

Meredith, J. R., Mantel, S. J., & Shafer, S. M. (2017). Project management: A managerial approach (10th ed.). Hoboken: Wiley.

Project Management Institute. (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (6th ed.). Newton Square, PA: PMI Publications.




Managing projects in a virtual and global environment provides the project manager with a unique set of requirements to ensure the project runs smoothly. The project manager will have to consider differences in culture, language skills, and time zones (Binder, 2009). The company I currently work at has multiple sites throughout the country, and also does outsource a lot of it’s technical work to a company in India. The company uses virtual collaboration through web meetings and instant messaging software which allows the individuals to bridge the geographical gap. With a site in Charlotte, Denver, and India, it does make it difficult coordinating times to do a daily meeting as Denver is 2 hours behind Charlotte and 11.5 hours behind India. Most project conform to the Eastern time zone, which requires the Denver employees to attend fairly early meetings, and Individuals in India to attend very late meetings in the evening.

It is also common for multiple individuals on a project team to be working remotely from their homes, which also add to the complexity for logistics. As O’Conchuir (2012) indicates, another challenge of working virtually is the lack of teambuilding that happens because people don’t know each other, and do not have regular face to face meetings. In my experience, team building does happen, it just takes longer to do so virtually. There have been situations where project managers working from home had to cancel or reschedule meetings because they were having some issues with their internet connection, or something going on at their home during a meeting.

There have been situations where there is a language barrier, but typically what helps overcome those language barriers has been prototyping or providing examples to ensure the requirements are being captured correctly. Another key strategy when working a virtual or global project is the use of SaaS applications that allow the tracking of project tasks and statuses. The company I work for uses Jira to track project work, including tasks and issues. These tasks and statuses from the system are used to report project progress to all of the stakeholders.


Binder, J. (2009). The global project management framework: communication, collaboration, and management across borders. Retrieved from…

O’Conchuir, D. (2012). Human challenges of multi-location projects. Retrieved from…


In my current profession, I work rather remotely from my company. The actual company is based in New York and we have regionals all over the nation, not global but still dealing with different time zones and culture change from coast to coast. With the help of technology, such as webinars and even basic email a good deal of work can be done without actually having the entire sales team in one location. It also saves the company a great deal of money to not have to buy a hotel, meals, and flights each time we need to get together. As I am the youngest of all the sales team, I have somehow to become the tech expert. I think this may be the first hurdle of a global project manager, the fear the older generation seems to have with learning new technology. Going global may sound intimidating at first. Binder explains that “multicultural teams can increase the level of innovation when various standpoints are fostered and harvested” (2018). When properly ran a multicultural or global team can prove different ideas and ways of thinking creating a much more dynamic system for the project manager to use.

The unique requirements of project teams and other stakeholders in a global environment can be as simple as being abreast of other countries and cultures vacation time and religious holidays. According to the writers at the College of St. Scholastica, “add to that different time zones, cultures, potential language barriers and locations around the world, and a global project manager becomes all the more important to the viability of a project” (2018). Now not only are you managing a project but also all these other variables that must line up perfectly. You will have to allow extra time for different time zones and plan meetings around them. Virtual collaboration platforms such as Skype or Zoom allow you to talk and sometimes even share your screen with multiple people at once. This allows for seamless sharing of information between multiple offices anywhere with internet access.


Binder, J. (2009). The global project management framework: communication, collaboration, and management across borders. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

The College of St. Scholastica. (May 14, 2018). What is global

project management? The framework shaping multicultural teams of the

future. Retrieved from

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