

Please respond to the 2 separate posting below in at least 150 words each.


After reading the Rockwood (2018) article, I find myself the most interested in project management opportunities in the IT and Healthcare industries. Both of these industries are slated to experience growth in the near future. Rockwood (2018) states that “22 million new projected-oriented jobs will be created from 2017 to 2027” (p. 30). Thus, there will be plenty of opportunities to work as a project manager in either of these industries.

IT Project Management

All project managers need to have at least basic IT skills. In fact, IT skills are regarded as a basic requirement for project managers. This is true no matter which industry the project manager works in. In addition to IT skills, IT project managers also need “soft skills.” These project managers will most likely work virtually with people all over the globe. Thus, the ability to collaborate and work with others is essential (Smartsheet, 2019).

Healthcare Project Management

According to Rockwood (2018), healthcare will have a 17% increase in project-oriented jobs from 2017 to 2027. There are several potential reasons for this increase. First, the “Baby Boomer” section of the American population is aging. Second, healthcare patients want instant and safe internet access to their healthcare records and data (Ray, 2019). In fact, healthcare and IT are becoming intrinsically intertwined. Thus, healthcare project managers will need to have IT skills and be able to work with large amounts of data.


Ray, S. (2019, August 5). Career spotlight: Healthcare project manager. Retrieved from…

Rockwood, K. (2018, 01). 2018 Jobs report. PM Network, 32, 28-47. Retrieved from…

Smartsheet Inc. (2019). IT project management. Retrieved from…


According to Rockwood (2018) project management will continue to be on the rise in several industries between now and 2027.Two of those industries in which I am interested in are Aerospace & Defense and Freelance.

Aerospace & Defense

Being a service member for over 17 years, I witness the struggle the Department of Defense has filling positions with talented project managers.According to Alexander (2017), PMI’s Pulse of the Profession report shows “only 64 percent of government strategic initiatives ever meet their goals and business intent — and that government entities waste $101 million for every $1 billion spent on project and programs.”For reasons such as that, bill S. 1550, known as the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act of 2015 (PMIAA) was signed into law.The act ensures there are standardized practices in place for federal employees and agencies, reducing waste, increasing performance and improving efficiencies (Alexander, 2017).


I find myself interested in becoming a project manager consultant in the future.Being in the intelligence field of the military, my interests are finding innovative ways to support our deployed service members.From the design and production of gear and weapons to adapting technology (e.g. computer systems, drones) to have a more robust and advanced military. As technology advances so does that of any potential adversary and although as a freelancer and not directly working with the DoD it will be in support of DoD which has a plethora of shortfalls in regards to project managers.


Alexander, M. (2017, January 18). What is the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act? Retrieved from

Langley, M. A. (2017, August 10). Why DoD is concerned about the program manager talent gap [Commentary]. Retrieved from

Rockwood, K. (2018). 2018 jobs report: In a time of change, demand for project talent will keep rising. PM Network, 32(1), 28–47.

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