Imagine you have been asked to teach a small group of your peers about animal organs.

Create 10 multiple-choice questions to test knowledge of the structure and function of animal organs.

Address the functions of each of the following concepts in your test.

  • Differences between asymmetrical, radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry.
  • Differences between endotherms and exotherms.
  • Definition and examples of epithelial tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of connective tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of muscle tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of nervous tissue. (provide one example)

Use the Physiology Test Template to complete this assignment.

Read the Writing Good Multiple Choice questions article on the Berkeley Lab Training website for tips on writing multiple-choice questions.

Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

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