1. Which class of chemical messenger facilitates WBC formation in bone marrow? A Interleukins   b. tumor necrotic factors c. colony stimulating factors  d. Interferons 2. Often a virus infected cell will release ___________to prevent spread of the infection. a. histamine  b. Interferon  c. compliment  d. perforni 3. In the classical pathway of complement activation: a. compliment is activated within liver cells & released into the blood b. complement binds to an antibody that is bound to a foreign substance c. complement bonds with polysaccharides on a microbial cell wall d. complement inhibits inflammation & binds to apianins 4. A membrane attack complex is a protein that: a. triggers phagocytes of a target cell by a nearby macrophage or Europhile b. Forms a channel in the target cell membrane that causes cytolysis c. links a pathogen to a RBC so that it is carried to the liver or spleen d. stimulates basophils to attack a multicultural parasite in the body 5. Exudate refers to: a. blood that escapes capillaries passes beyond the skin and leaves the body. b. increased perfussion of capillary beds within the region of an injury c. lymph that flows away from the heart and toward the site of injury. d. fluid that leaves capillaries to “wash” the interstitial space of an injured tissue e. clotting proteins that wall off microbes and prevent them from spreading through the bloodstream. 6.Which is not one of the cardinal signs of inflammation? a. heat b.redness c. loss of function d. numbness e. swelling 7. Sustained fevers that are 1’C above normal core body temperature usually lead to irreversible brain damage: a. True b. False c. Not sure 8. Antigens are: a. something made by a WBC to destroy a pathogen b. something that an antibody or T-lymphocyte binds to

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