Goal: Reflect on how critical thinking is used in different professions. (must be 250+ words in length)


All of us are in different professions, have different specialties, and use critical thinking to solve problems at our jobs. Please write a well thought-out blog post and consider the following:

– Read one of the essays by an APUS faculty, staff, or student found in the Week 4 Lessons, Readings & Resources.

– Write about the critical thinking process in this essay, the argument, and how it practically related to the profession in-question.

– Did the essay present a good thesis and argument? Did the evidence support thesis? Did the essay demonstrate objectivity, accuracy, currency, and credulity while also using sound thinking?

– Incorporate what you learned from the Week 3 and 4 Lessons, textbooks, and Readings and Resources.

– Consider the Week 4 trigger questions (you do not have to directly respond directly to all of them).


Review of APUS faculty or student essays:

Beyond the Family Tree of Contracting By Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth, Program Director, Government Contracts and Acquisition at American Public University: http://www.careersingovernment.com/tools/gov-talk/about-gov/beyond-the-family-tree-of-contracting//

The Complexities of Food and Beverage Logistics by Robert L. Gordon: http://blogs.dcvelocity.com/reverse_logistics/2015/09/the-complexities-of-food-and-beverage-logistics.html

The Human Touch: New Ergonomic Initiatives Sustain Employee Efficiency by Dr. Mario Vaccari: http://www.inboundlogistics.com/cms/article/the-human-touch–new-ergonomic-initiatives-sustain-employee-efficiency/

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