Two part Assignment, this is part 1. Part 2 question will be asked firectly after completition of this.

Goal: Critically evaluate sources to be used in persuasive, visual communication.

Course Objective: CO1


After completing the Week 3 Full of Fallacies assignment, where we used logical fallacies to manipulate the audience in an advertisement, the Week 5 Source Evaluation will have you choose a topic and find sources that will be as the foundation for the Week 7 Infographic. Use the attached Source Evaluation Worksheet to complete this assignment.

Part I: Choose a topic.

Describe the topic, concept, idea, or approach that is going to be the central idea of the Week 7 Infographic. There is no minimum word count but please use several thought-out sentences to make your point.

Part II: Source Evaluation Worksheet

– Find a minimum of three (3) sources; two (2) academic source from the APUS library and one (1) article (quality online or newspaper article).

– For this assignment, do not use the website sources you used in the Week 5 Forum.

– Follow the format found in the Source Evaluation Worksheet.

Consider the following:

– Please upload the completed Source Evaluation Worksheet.

– Be detailed and precise when completing the worksheet.

– For grading expectations, please see the Source Evaluation rubric.

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