Persuasive Essay. Knowledge of the subject is required please don’t bs it.

In this assignment, choose from one of the following topics we have discussed in class: life tenure for Supreme Court justices, the use of race in law school admissions, or the death penalty. Take a side in the dispute, and make an argument in favor or against the justice of the practice (and distinguishing/defending your view, where relevant, between arguments in principle and in practice). Your essay should draw upon/engage the resources that have been provided for you in Canvas, which includes philosophical-moral and legal considerations of the issue, but you are welcome and encouraged to draw from any relevant outside sources that would strengthen your argument. In your essay, you should succinctly state at least two of the strongest moral, legal, and/or social scientific arguments opposed to your own view, then critique them. Students are encouraged to go beyond mere summary to develop their own arguments and insights.

There is no strict page limit or minimum, though generally essays should aim not to exceed 5 pages. MLA or footnote citation is acceptable. Write with economy, but thoroughly answer the prompt. Selective quoting is fine, but overquoting should be avoided. 1-inch margins, 12 point font, submitted through Canvas as a Word .doc file.

I thought it was due at a later date and I’m studying for midterms tomorrow as well. Let me know whatever you need. Knowledge of the subject is required please don’t bs it. The class is judicial processing.

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