People Analytics is an emerging force in the field of Human Resources as HR/OD strategies become better aligned with organizational strategic objectives. Read, “How People Analytics Can Help You Change Process, Culture, and Strategy” and Watch: “Make Work Better – Prasad Setty, Google People Analytics & Compensation”

In one to two pages:

  • Focus on one aspect of your workplace where you feel there is a need for an OD intervention (i.e. talent development, workplace diversity). Identify at least two resources outside of your assigned readings that support this intervention.
  • How can your organization utilize People Analytics in diagnosing the need for an intervention and/or implementing and/or evaluating an intervention?


  • Use complete sentences, structured paragraphs and proper grammar/mechanics when formulating your responses.
  • Use what you’ve learned in your weekly readings to help formulate and support your responses.
  • Use resources outside of your textbook to support and substantiate your responses as well. Cite ALL sources, including the textbook, in APA 6th edition format.

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