you only need to do my part. This assignment requires the group to complete a comprehensive review of another groups paper. The review process will be facilitated using a list of 5 questions that are derived directly from the Ethical Analysis Grading Rubric. -Group reviews should add overall comments, answer review questions, and include basic editing marks. -The instructors will assess the quality of the PeerMark group feedback, which should be professional, balanced, and constructive. -Your groups ability to critically evaluate the work of others is important to learning at the undergraduate level. and this is my part (Min. 200 words) 3-(1). ASSUMPTIONS: Does this paper identify and question the validity of the assumptions and address the ethical dimensions that underlie the issue? Exemplary Proficient Acceptable Weak Unacceptable Missing 3-(2). ASSUMPTIONS: Does this paper examine the evidence and source of evidence; question its accuracy, precision, relevance, and completeness? Does it clearly distinguish between fact, opinion, and acknowledge value judgments? Exemplary Proficient Acceptable Weak Unacceptable Missing
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