Topic: Disney

answer all question below to write the part. min 2 pages

  • Where does your firm position itself on the industry life cycle? What are the strategic implications?
  • What is the firm’s innovation strategy? Does it rely on incremental or radical innovations? Disruptive or architectural? What are the competitive implications of the firm’s innovation strategies?
  • What attributes describe the current major customer segment for your firm? Are these changing? If so, is your firm prepared to meet these new customer demands?
  • How does your firm organize for innovation? Does it use a closed or an open innovation approach? Is its current approach working, or does it need changing? If it does need changing, in what way?
  • Does your selected business have differentiated products or services? If so, what is the basis for this differentiation from the competition?
  • Does your firm have a cost-leadership position in this business? If so, can you identify which cost drivers it uses effectively to hold this position?
  • What is your firm’s approach to the market? If it segments the market, identify the scope of com-petition it is using.
  • Using the answers to the preceding questions, identify which generic business strategies your firm is employing. Is the firm leveraging the appropriate value and cost drivers for the business strategy you identified? Explain why or why not.
  • What suggestions do you have to improve the firm’s business strategy and strategic position?
  • Create a strategy canvas for your firm. Set on the horizontal axis an appropriate selection of the value curve items and on the vertical axis, set the other industry segments (such as strategic groups) for comparison.
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