watch the vedio

Upon viewing the “Steubenville“ video, create an original thread containing your responses to the following:

  1. Why do you think the boys sexually assaulted the girl?
  2. Why did the bystanders not help the victim, but rather took pictures and videos instead?
  3. Should the bystanders be sanctioned? If so, how?

This assignment is worth 20 participation points. Your original thread containing the responses must be posted by START OF CLASS on Wednesday, 9 Oct (2:10 p.m.) — (no emails, Blackboard submissions, etc. will be accepted).

Following this — and to receive the maximum number of points — you should comment on others’ threads. Refer to the rubric for the specific criteria by which you will be scored. Please be thought-filled (think critically and outside the box) and respectful in your posts. Effort a separate, distinct, substantive paragraph for each question (above). You are also responsible for commenting on at least two (2) other classmates’ posts — you may, of course, comment on as many posts/engage in as many discussions as you like. You must cite any/all sources used.

As this assignment is in lieu of our 9 Oct class, your initial thread will also be used for attendance purposes. The assignment will become unavailable end of day Friday, 11 Oct. Late submissions

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