there is no greater weapon in our organizational development arsenal than that of reflection; making sense of our experience. It is a necessary component of knowing ourselves, our strengths and our weaknesses. In this case, you are to reflect on how you havechangedin your approach to the case study in question, paying attention to what that says about YOU.

To be effective, choose the case study you would most like to change. Ask yourself questions like:

To what extent were my answers similar to that of my other group members? What does that say about me, about my group members, or about us?

Was there something in common regarding what I did effectively? How would I label it? How can I do those things again?

Was there any information in the case study that I systematically missed, misjudged, or dismissed? Is there something I can do to reduce those tendencies in the future?

Was there any information that I needed to disregard or give less weight? Is there something I can do to help me dismiss the red herrings?

Was I as aware as I needed to be regarding the individuals within the company, the teams of individuals involved, the company itself, or the external environment? What can I do to “see” all these systems in the future?

Did I keep track of the long-term effects of my suggested interventions? Was I open to anticipating the unanticipated? What can I do to maintain awareness of long-term effects in the future?

Given what I have learned in my reflection, what will I commit to in the future regarding how I approach case studies and/or small group discussions of case studies?

Once you have answered these questions –and/or any others that may come to your mind –prepare a paper summarizing what you learned from the experience. Remember that OD professionals advance their skills through lifelong learning efforts aimed at increasing self-awareness and empowerment levels in ourselves and others.

Please type your paper using double-spacing. Work to compress it into no more than three to four pages.

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