Paper (Chapters 1 – 4) // 100 Points Possible// Open Textbook and Resources APA format is required. References should be listed immediately after the question that is being answered. Each question lists a minimum number of unique scholarly references; the textbook is considered one unique reference (per question) regardless of how many times it is used. All references should be from the years 2007 to present day. Review the rubric that will be used to evaluate this paper. All work must be completed individually. 1. What must companies focus on in order to survive in today’s business environment? Use at least two unique references. ((Length: 4-5 paragraphs. )) 2. Read the case: Prime Bank of Massachusetts , available in the Operations Management textbook, Chapter 2. Develop a list of changes for the operations function that should be considered by the bank. Use at least one unique reference. Begin by identifying operations management decisions that would be involved in operating a bank, for example, layout of facility, staff, drive-through service. Then identify ways that they can be improved at Prime Bank in order to support the strategy focused on customer service. Use at least two unique references. (( Length: 4-5 paragraphs.)) 3. In the product screening stage of new product development, what are some questions that may need to be explored by the operations function? By marketing? By finance?Use at least two unique references .(( Length: 4-5 paragraphs. )) 4. Describe how consumers can use the Internet to shop in new ways.  Use at least two unique references .(( Length: 4-5 paragraphs. ))

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