The Outline Paper Assignment is an important first step towards a successful final paper for class.. You are required to select ONE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM of your choice.. Write a one – page summary on the issue by including the details mentioned below.. Your en vironmental problem of choice can be local,, regional,, national or international,, and should be linked to specific case studies and concepts from class..


1.. Narrow down your paper topic,, research question,, and potential sources to use

2.. Begin writing your paper early in the semester to dedicate ample time for critical thinking,, revisions and quality writing

3.. Receive feedback from your professor to strengthen the quality of your final research paper

Key Elements::

i.. Title for the paper:: Spend a little time to select the paper’s title.. It should provide a good (ddetailed)) idea of what the paper is about ( the problem,, location etc..))

ii.. Research Question:: Specify the thesis statement,, or key question of investigation.. This will be the guid ing factor of what you plan to investigate or do in your paper..

iii.. Background:: Provide a brief summary of the environmental problem.. Why should we care about this problem?? Create a case for your topic.. Describe the politics surrounding the issue – identify different stakeholders & power dynamics..

iv.. Environmental Policy:: It is im portant to identify and discuss the SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY((SS)) related to your issue.. Discussing the pol icy is crucial to your case study paper..

F ormat : Undergraduate students 800 word paper (aapprox.. 1 – 1 ½ pages single – spaced)) and graduate students 1500 word s paper (aapprox.. 2 pages single – spaced)).. T he Outline Paper should be typed and proofread carefully.. Font – Times New Roman,, 12 – point size,, single – spaced with an additional line between paragraphs,, and use the AP A Style for references.. Student s can use other cit ation s tyles used in by your discipline..

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