1. About Me – Tell us who you are: Where you come from: where you live now; and what your hobbies and interests are. 2. Course Outcomes – Find and list the official course outcomes for each of your other (non-externship) courses. This list should be broken down by course with the proper course prefix, number, and name. 3. About My Company – Tell us about the company where you work: whether it is large or small; the industry that it serves (retail, hospitality, financial, healthcare, technology, government, education, etc.) the location of the company; and the company’s major products and services. If you’re employed as a contractor or consultant where the majority of your duties are carried out for a different organization than your official employer, you must complete this section for both organizations. 4. My Job Description – Include in this section the official job description as verified by your employer, externship site, or project manager. 5. Resume – Include your official up to data resume. Smaple’s One of my friend wrote please see that and write like that… I need within 2 hours My Job role Is java Developer and My company Is Equifax.

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