Organization Ethics Presentation

  1. Choose a topic below.
  • , “Ethical Reflection: Typical Unethical or Illegal Behaviors in Organizations”

  1. Create a presentation of 10-15 slides or screens excluding the title and references.
  • Your slides/screen should include titles, main ideas, bullet points, and relevant images, charts, graphs, etc.
  1. In your presentation:
  • Describe an ethical situation, based on the chosen topic, that can get in the nurse’s way of practicing ethically. Describe the situation clearly and concisely.
  • Identify how this situation relates to one provision within the Code of Ethics for Nurses.
  • Identify two ethical principles that may arise when facing this situation.
  • Discuss how a nurse might lessen the impact of the situation on the nurse’s practice.
  • In addition to the course texts, cite and reference a minimum of two (2) additional scholarly sources to support your work.
  • Close with a summary of your topic, and APA formatted reference slide(s).
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