Deliverable Length: 1,000 – 1,250 words in APA Format (Abstract & title page)

Respond to the following scenario with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas.

It has been a year since the new CEO has been on the job, and the organization has seen sustainable growth. The former CEO came out of retirement to be elected the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors. At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors, the Chairwoman of the Board discussed the possible investment opportunities in the energy industry. She has asked you to prepare a case study on an energy company to establish if it is a good choice to include in the company’s investment portfolio.

Using CTU Library resources, choose a company in the energy industry and prepare a case study that addresses the following points:

  • Introduction: Including a description of the company, its industry, and its business context.
  • Organizational analysis: Including the company’s leadership, market, operations, finances, performance, and regulatory environment.
  • Critical incidents: Including any stories of the organization’s challenges or achievements. How did it overcome the challenges? How did it accomplish its achievements?
  • Investment potential: Including any of its current issues that need to be addressed or its potential goals for growth.
  • Recommendation: Including how the investment might help the organization to address its current issues or realize its potential for growth.

Provide a reference list at the end of your case study of at least 10 CTU Library articles and include in-text citations for the articles in APA format.

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