I have attached the completed portfolio project, outline, and rubric

Please consider reducing the page count by eliminating any fluff that does not support the main idea. Also please correct any grammatical and sentence structure issues.

The outline also needs revisions: It currently reads like a rubric and should state the key ideas of the paper. The references from the portfolio also need to be added at the end.

Note: Your final Portfolio Project is due for submission this week.

The final Portfolio Project is structured to help demonstrate your understanding of the course material, as well as the implications of new knowledge gained from outside research. You will choose an organization which may be your workplace, an organization that you are familiar with, or an organization discovered in your research. Information about the subject organization must be publicly available and properly referenced in your work. As part of the initial Portfolio Project milestone due in Module 4, you must secure instructor approval for the organization selected for your Portfolio Project.

Based on your analysis, write an assessment about the subject organization’s OM strategy and practices. When writing the assessment, assume the role of a highly-regarded operations management professional commissioned to review, analyze, and describe the organization’s OM for achieving increased sustainable business value. Your assessment should address the following key elements:

  • Organization: Name and briefly describe an organization of your choice, including its mission. (This will be the subject of the first of three Portfolio Milestones, due at the end of Module 2.)
  • Overview: Provide an overview of this paper so the reader gets familiarity with the purpose, content, and overall organization of the paper. ( This will be the subject of the second of three Portfolio Milestones, due at the end of Module 4.)
  • Operations Management: Define OM and relate the subject organization’s mission, operational strategy, and productivity measurements; compare and contrast OM with project management. (This will be the subject of the third and last of three Portfolio Milestones, due at the end of Module 6.)
  • OM Forecasting: Define forecasting in the context of OM, identify the subject organization’s forecasting methods and practices, relate the Seven Steps in the forecasting system to the subject organization, highlight potential ethical considerations related to the subject organization’s forecasting, and recap applicable lessons learned based on your forecasting simulation experience.
  • Define Operations: Define design of goods and services and relate it to the subject organization, and highlight the OM process, location, and human resource strategy in the context of the subject organization.
  • Quality Management: Define quality and identify common OM quality management best practices, identify the subject organization’s quality management methodology, and recap the applicable lessons learned based on your quality management simulation experience. Additionally, build a house of quality to show five customer requirements and product/service characteristics to meet them. Explain the process of product characteristics selection and how these customer requirements are met.
  • Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement: Define the role of human resources, job design, and work measurement in ensuring competitiveness and high productivity for the subject organization.
  • Supply Chain Management: Define supply chain management (SCM), designate the subject organization’s SCM strategy and explain the basis for determination, describe the subject organization’s use of technology for SCM, identify potential SCM risks and SCM ethical considerations related to the subject organization, and recap the applicable lessons learned in your supply chain management simulation experience.
  • Inventory Management: Define inventory management, its importance, and common inventory models; identify the subject organization’s inventory management practices; and identify potential ethical considerations related to the subject organization.
  • Operations Manager Job Description: Imagine you are hiring an operations manager for this company. Prepare a comprehensive job description with clearly articulated bulleted duties that describes what is expected for this role (no more than two pages).
  • Conclusion: Provide key lessons learned from various sections and a summary of the paper (less than one page).
  • References: (Portfolio Milestone 3, due at the end of Module 4; you can also add more references after Module 4.)

Submit your Portfolio Project paper as a single Microsoft Word document to the Module 8 submissions area established for this purpose.

Your essay should address the following requirements:

  • Your well-written OM assessment essay thesis should be 12 to 15 pages in length, which does not include the required title, reference, of appendix pages.
  • Format your paper per the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.), which includes an introduction and conclusion.
  • Include a title and a reference page.
  • Cite at least six current (within last five years) scholarly references, excluding our or other textbooks, to support your assertions and conclusions.
  • Include an appendix for tables and figures.

Please write clearly, concisely, and cohesively; use section level headers to organize the key elements of your thesis.

Option #1: Product-Based Operations Management Assessment

The purpose of the Portfolio Project is to apply your synthesis of current research about operations management (OM) to a global product-oriented organization. For your Portfolio Project, you are required to select a global organization that has a predominately product-oriented mission as the subject for your OM assessment.

Option #2: Service-Based Operations Management Assessment

The purpose of the Portfolio Project is to apply your synthesis of current research about operations management (OM) to a global service-oriented organization. For your Portfolio Project, you are required to select a global organization that has a predominately service-oriented mission as the subject for your OM assessment.

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