- Chapter 12 in Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management
- Mathaba, S., Adigun, M., Oladosu, J., & Oki, O. (2017). On the use of the Internet of things and Web 2.0 in inventory management. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 32(4), 3091-3101. doi:10.3233/JIFS-169252
- Mora-Ochomogo, E. I., Mora-Vargas, J., & Serrato, M. (2016). A Qualitative Analysis of Inventory Management Strategies in Humanitarian Logistics Operations. International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems & Informatics, 7(1), 40-53. Retrieved from
- Rawat, K. (2015). Today’s inventory management systems: A tool in achieving best practices in Indian business. Anusandhanika, 7(1), 128-135.
- Chen, J., Dada, M., & Hu, Q. (2016). Designing supply contracts: buy-now, reserve, and wait-and-see. IIE Transactions, 48(10), 881-900. doi:10.1080/0740817X.2015.1110649
- Olsson, F. (2014). Analysis of inventory policies for perishable items with fixed leadtimes and lifetimes. Annals of Operations Research, 217(1), 399-423. doi: 10.1007/s10479-014-1590-x
Additional Resources:
- APICS, the association for operations management
- Institute of Industrial Engineers website
- Inventory Management website
- Operations Management textbook companion website for the 11th and 12th editions
Module 8: Discussion Forum
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Select one of the key concepts from the list below for your Discussion response. Be sure to identify the name of the organization.
- Discuss how to conduct an ABC analysis for one or more inventory items for your selected organization.
- Justify the use of the EOQ model for independent inventory demand. Explain the differences that exist between using the EOQ model at a product-based business (i.e., sells a physical, tangible product), and a service-based business (i.e., sells a service, which has no physical or tangible product).
- Explain how to compute a reorder point and describe safety stock. If the material for the product is shipped across oceans, how would that influence the safety stock?
- Contrast the differences between service levels and probabilistic inventory models in the context of your organization.
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