Operational Strategy – should answer the questions: COMPANY IS HERSHEY What is their competitive advantage (cost, quality, availability, flexibility, service)? What are their core operational competencies? Are these competencies difficult for their competitors to duplicate? Are the operational elements aligned and do they support the business strategy? Describe the operational vision for the future of the business, a summary of changes required and an action plan to achieve that vision. Particular attention should be paid to the impact of growth on operations and mechanisms that will help the business grow. What market risks or competitive threats exist now or in the future? Are there new competitive threats likely from organizations from other industries or geographic markets? If applicable, how are they integrating their goods and services? Production & operating procedures – should answer the questions: Describe how goods are produced or services provided from start to finish and how value is created. (Open System Theory or Operations Management Process Model) How long does it take to produce the product or provide the service? Do they have sufficient capacity? What systems do they use to analyze and improve process performance? What unique or special processes are used? Do these create competitive advantage? Cite and referencsuce your work in APA format.
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