Psychology of Gender

Applying Theories Explaining Sex/Gender Differences to Real-World Events

Biological Theories

  • Theories focusing on Genes, Hormones, and Brain Structure/Function (pp. 135-142)
  • Evolutionary Psychology and Sociobiology (pp. 143-145)

Psychobiosocial Models

  • Halpern’s Psychobiosocial Model (p. 142)

Psychoanalytic and Neoanalytic Theories

  • Freudian Theory (p. 146) and Horney’s Critique (p. 147)
  • Chodorow’s Object-Relations Theory (The Reproduction of Mothering) (pp. 147-148)

Social Learning Theories

  • Bandura ‘s Observational Learning Theory (pp. 148-152)
  • Gender-Role Socialization Theory (pp. 152-164)
  • Eagly’s Social Role Theory (pp. 165-166)

Cognitive Theories

  • Kohlberg’s Cognitive Development Theory (pp. 166-168)
  • Bem’s Gender Schema Theory (pp. 168-173)

Contextual Theories

  • Deaux and Major’s Perceiver-Target-Situation Model (pp. 173-179)

Note that the page numbers above are from Chapter 5 in Helgeson (2012). You might also find Table 5.4 on p. 174 useful in doing this exercise.


  • Read your news article(s).
  • Identify two specific sex/gender theories that relate to the content of your news article and explain how they are related. Don’t just go with the obvious – think critically about your article content and be creative in your analysis. The more specific you can be here, the better. Do not just say, “This article relates to Social Learning Theories because it deals with social learning.” Be much more specific than that, bringing in specific content from the article and specific content from your selected theory.
  • Identify at least two other course concepts from material covered in other Helgeson chapters that relate to your news article, and explain specifically how the concepts pertain to the article content.
  • Be sure to record your responses to #2 and #3 above
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