*******Please choose just one of the objectives and write the journal on.**********

Note*****You should use the attached doc with one of the objectives for the Journal please. Its the clinical experience for that day*****

Journal Entry identify which topic 1-8 that you will be journaling about with your clinical experience. IF you do not state the topic 1-8 you will get points deducted.



Through reflective thought the student will compare and identify how their activities and observations relate to various management theories.

Each student will submit a clinical journal for each day in the field. Describe your experiences and how they apply to nursing leadership and management. Apply at least one of the topics listed below to each entry, as appropriate. Journal entry should be between 100-500 words.

  1. Apply the nursing process as it relates to theoretical principles in the nursing management of children and adolescents within the family system.
  2. Integrate caring behaviors, critical thinking and clinical reasoning in the therapeutic management of the pediatric client and family.
  3. Implement effective, age appropriate, therapeutic communication skills in the care of children and adolescents within the family system.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions that are congruent with the cultural beliefs, traditions, and behaviors of families.
  5. Demonstrate leadership skills to serve as a member of the health care team in the clinical setting.
  6. Incorporate research findings in care planning.
  7. Appraise health policies and laws that impact pediatric nursing practice.
  8. Debate the outcomes of ethical dilemmas that arise in the care of the pediatric client.

Your journals are due to your clinical instructor the following week after your clinical experience. All journals should be typed.

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