New Employee Handbook and Reference Guide
As lab manager, you are responsible for putting together a manual to give to all newcomers to your lab. This manual will provide new lab members with information they will need to get started with their work and adhere to the rules and regulations of the laboratory.
In your manual, include guidelines for maintaining lab notebook/data records; guidelines for writing and updating protocols; guidelines for accessing lab protocols; rules and regulations for working with biologics and hazardous chemicals (radioactive materials, ethidium bromide, organics, tissue culture materials, bacterial cultures/recombinant DNA materials, potentially infectious agents); a listing of training courses that need to be taken (examples include institutional training required for working with animals, radioactivity, blood-borne pathogens); guidelines for inventory maintenance; guidelines for placing supply orders; and guidelines for handling problems with lab equipment.
Your grade will be based upon: (a) Manual is appropriate for the chosen lab type (20%); (b) Manual is well-organized and includes a table of contents (15%); (c) Manual covers all (or most) relevant topics necessary for new lab members, including contact information for supervisory and safety staff (20%); Manual is well-written and provides a concise set of guidelines and standard operating procedures for the lab environment (35%); Proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence and paragraph construction (10%). Complete the assignment and post in your assignment folder by the deadline.
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