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Provide a complete integrated set of normalized (3NF required) relations for The Data Structuring/Normalization Scenario in this link. Use the format displayed in An Example of Normalization below.

Note that entities are in all caps, attribute names with multiple words

are connected by an underline character joining each word, primary keys

are underlined and

listed first within the attributes in Third Normal Form (see textbook

Chapter 9 for explanatory information on the normalization process).

An Example of Normalization:

Here is a relatively simplistic example of a normalization process:

An “un-normalized” relation:

STUDENT(Last_Name, First_Name, Course_Name, Instructor_Name, Semester, Year)

The “normalized” version in Third Normal Form:

STUDENT(Student_ID, Last_Name, First_Name)

INSTRUCTOR(Instructor_ID, Last_Name, First_Name)

COURSE(Course_ID, Course_Name)

SEMESTER(Semester_ID, Term, Year)


The Data Structuring/Normalization Scenario:
Your Team has been hired by a manufacturing company with multiple manufacturing facilities to perform the logical design of a relational database to manage their roster of available temporary workers and their subsequent assignments to fill workforce needs. The temporary workers are needed on a seasonal basis to fill a number of job roles such as materials management, van driver, loading/shipping dock worker, assembly line worker, packaging/shipping support, etc. Each manufacturing facility is configured with three different work areas, which are raw materials management, assembly line productions, and packaging/shipping. Here are the requirements that you have identified after interviewing company management:
1. The company would like to record and maintain complete information on each temporary worker, including full name, home address, mailing address (which may or may not differ from the home address), preferred and secondary telephone numbers, email address, date of birth, gender, initial date of employment.

2. The manufacturing facilities all operate on a 24-hour daily basis, three 8-hour shifts a day, six days a week, Monday through Saturday. They would also like to maintain information on each temporary worker’s work shift availability in terms of days of the week and work shift, which is first shift, second shift, third shift, or “bridge” shift. A bridge shift is composed of the last 4 hours of first shift and first 4 hours of second shift on the specified days. Workers may specify availability for one or more shifts during specified days of the week.

3. In addition, they will need to maintain complete information on each temporary worker’s job certifications and information on certification instructors. The information for certification instructors is the same information as for temporary workers identified in item 1 above, information on which courses they are qualified to teach, and their teaching histories for the company. A temporary worker must be certified for a job role by completing a required training program for that role and can be certified to perform one or more job roles. For job certifications, the company would like to maintain the identification of the certification, identification of the temporary worker participating in the certification training, the dates of certification training (certification training ranges from 4 to 16 hours depending on the type of certification), the certification trainer’s identification, and a pass/fail designation for the temporary worker completing the certification training. The company would also like to maintain complete information on available job role certification training program courses. 4. Temporary workers are also required to specify prioritized work area location preferences for one or more manufacturing locations. 5. Finally, they have stated the requirement for maintaining a complete record of each temporary worker’s assignments, including manufacturing facility location and work area assignment, date worked, shift(s) worked, and job role(s) filled by shift.
The company intends to use the completed database design to support the identification of temporary workers to fill needed assignments and to produce comprehensive reports on the use of temporary workers.

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