Noble Klans of America
In one to two pages, give a brief history of the group your are researching:
when they were founded,
who founded the group,
their stance regarding immigration,
the motivation for that particular view of immigration,
and if possible, how this group would like to solve any immigration problem(s) real or perceived
(As finding this information may come from many sources, you will need to cite where you have found this information in your paper. You will need to footnote/endnote any quotations you use in your paper. The fine folks in the OWL can help you with this)
Compare the foundational values of the group you are researching to the 4 Franciscan Values of the University. Write one paragraph for cach Franciscan Value listed below and explain how the teachings of the group you have researched compare/contrast to the ideas of:
Reverencing all of Creation-Fostering a simple lifestyle and responsible stewardship; preserving the environment, respecting all creatures.
Making Peace- Forgiving others; healing and reconciling; resolving conflicts, promoting non-violence
Showing Compassion- Serving and caring for the poor and oppressed; working for justice, taking responsible social action; offering unselfish service
Creating a Caring Community- Respecting each person’s dignity, offering hospitality, courtesy kindness, and friendship. fostering loving relationships
Conclude with a paragraph or two of your own thoughts about immigration and whether you would agree more with the anti-immigrant group you have researched or the CSU community-one should include at least three reasons for your agreement with either group
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