Proper network design provides for layered security, not only isolating users and their traffic, but also preventing attackers from easily traversing a network (pivoting). Using Microsoft Visio or online network diagraming tools, as identified in the required readings, diagram a secure network design for an enterprise network An enterprise network is defined as 1000+ clients for various corporate departments, 50-100 servers providing typical network services, network infrastructure using layer 3 switches, and layered routing to provide separation of subnets. Your diagram at a minimum should include the following secure network design elements: Firewalls, IDS/IPS, DMZ, Vlans, Border and Gateway routers, private IP addressing, Isolated Server Subnets, Network Access Control, and VPN concentrator. In 250-500 words, describe your design and how it follows the concept of “Layered Security.” Include your diagram within the description for reference.

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