731.5.2 : Assessment-Driven Decisions for Health Information Management

The graduate evaluates a healthcare organization’s work flow, functional needs of end-users, data infrastructure, and information technology systems and processes, specifically during adoption phases of health information systems.

731.5.3 : Resource Implications in Healthcare Information

The graduate creates an EHR implementation plan considering vendor selection, contract negotiation, and internal staff.

731.5.5 : Project Planning and Management

The graduate applies the principles of project management for project planning and development, launch, and evaluating specific project ideas in healthcare organizations.


Today’s healthcare environment comprises teams of professionals working toward common goals. When the organization sets a goal, there is generally a project that launches to support the goal to its completion. Health information management (HIM) professionals are participants and leaders in projects involving the implementation of new technologies and in additional projects that involve training and maintenance after the technologies are in place. A project such as the adoption of an electronic health record (EHR) across a healthcare system takes significant planning, strong leadership, and the ability to manage change in the environment.

HIM professionals’ competence in managing project teams, analyzing organizational processes, identifying the need for change, and implementing new initiatives are necessary skill sets in today’s healthcare delivery environment. They are critical components of the work performed by the HIM professional.

To complete this task, you will read and respond to the attached “Electronic Record Adoption Project” scenario.


A. Perform a needs assessment for the healthcare organization in the scenario by doing the following:

1. Describe one area needing assessment in the organization’s health information management (HIM) workflow.

2. Explain one concern, related to adopting an EHR, that staff from the area needing assessment in part A1 may have.

3. Explain the functional needs that staff members in the HIM department may have.

4. Describe how the use of an EHR can affect privacy, security, and legal aspects in ways that differ from the use of a paper medical record.
B. Based on the needs assessment results in part A, propose a project plan for adopting an EHR for the healthcare organization in the scenario by doing the following:

1. Describe all of the elements that should be included in a project plan for adopting an EHR.

2. Explain how to form a project team.

3. Describe one benefit the healthcare organization could gain from adopting an EHR.
C. Examine elements of the vendor selection process by doing the following:

1. Justify how a cost-benefit analysis will help to focus the vendor selection process.

2. Discuss the difference between a request for information and request for proposal.

a. Explain why one might be preferred.

b. Explain why both may be used.

3. Explain the elements included in writing a request for proposal and the information included in each element.

4. Discuss how you would establish a good working relationship with vendors and company representatives involved in the selection process for new technology.
D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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