first question
1- Write 2 functions:
- c_to_f(ctemp)
- f_to_c(ftemp)
These should convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius
F = Temp_C * (9/5) +32
C = (Temp_F-32) *(5/9)
Create a Loop that will print the following:
A. A table of temperatures from -50 F to 220 F and each number in between (counting by 10)
B. A table of temperatures from 0 C to 120 C and each number in between (counting by 10)
For instance for number 1
-50 F -45.55 C
-40 F -40 C
0 F -17 C
210 F 98.88 C
220 F 104.44 C
second question:
2- -Write a function called is_prime(N) that returns True if N is prime and False if N is not Prime.
third question:
3- Write a function fibonacci(N) which will print out N items of the fibonacci sequence
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