1)Consider the leadership concepts and theories you were introduced to inChapter 12 (Leadership). Discuss a leadership theory, or theories, thatappeals to you and that you feel could enhance your leadership skills and abilities.
Students are to read Case 2 “Barry’s Peer Becomes His Boss” – at the end of Chapter 13 (Power and Politcs) in the textbook.
- Should Barry complain about his treatment? To whom? If he does complain, what power tactics should Barry use?
- Studies have shown those prone to complaining or “whining” tend to have less power in an organization. Do you think whining leads to diminished power and influence, or the other way around?
- Do you think Barry should look for another job? Why or why not?
link to the book : https://is.muni.cz/el/1456/podzim2017/BKH_PSEK/um/…
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