Task 1: Write a Research on Information technology or an IT service Innovation document
Include the following in your research paper
- Installation Technique
- Integration into existing system
- Develop a Paper to Convince the CEO to invest in your researched innovation
- Convince the CEO to fund your innovation
- Length Minimum 15 pages / Maximum 20 pages The title page and references pages do not count towards the page length requirements.o Double spaced Times New Roman Font · APA style (FILLER TEXThttps://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01…) · At least 5 works cited · At least 2 of your references have to be scholarly peer-reviewed articles · Research paper will be checked for plagiarism so be sure to correctly cite your sources!
Task 2: Develop PowerPoint Presentation
Goal is to summarize your research paper like
Why This Product/Innovation
What technique or simulation is used
15 Slides excluding the opening and reference/citation page
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