you have looked at Eikenberry’s evidence audience, and ethos. Now, you will compare her rhetorical strategies with Montgomery’s counter argument. In this 4-5 page paper, you shall also address the rhetorical function of a writer’s own voice as well as the writer’s use of other voices (see handout “Working with different voices”).

Your paper shall explain clearly howand whyeach author uses whichrhetorical strategies and whether they succeed in persuading the intended audience. Also, discuss each author’s way to incorporate different voices and whether they are improving the author’s own argument. The two articles were written for quite different audiences, which you need to keep in mind when evaluating their effectiveness. Finally, evaluate the persuasiveness of each argument, in other words which author appears to be more convincing and why.

In your conclusion, state your position on whether cause marketing’s power for good equals or outweighs its hidden costs. However, rather than simply asserting your opinion, support your stance with two academically accepted outside sources.…

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