Imagine you have been asked to speak to a group of parents about promoting self-esteem in school-age children. You need to research the topic and prepare a visually appealing PowerPoint slideshow to accompany your presentation. Your PowerPoint slideshow will need to: Have a title slide. Contain 5-10 content slides that include Speaker Notes which provide supporting details to use when elaborating on the slide contents. Address the following questions: How does level of self-esteem typically change during middle childhood? What factors contribute to this change? What are some influences on school-age children’s self-esteem? Does very high self-esteem always have positive effects on children’s adjustment? Why or why not? What are the typical consequences of low self-esteem? What are some other strategies that parents and teachers can use to promote children’s self-esteem? What behaviors should adults avoid, and why? Be written using proper spelling/grammar. Cite at least 3 academic references and present the sources in APA format on a References slide.

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