Compare and contrast the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations in at least 3 significant areas. Make the case that while they have a closely intertwined history, they should be properly viewed as two different civilizations.

You are free to use your notes, books and outside reference materials. However, any material drawn from outside references (textbook included), must be cited within your essay. The essay answer is expected to be:

  • Well-written with attention to grammar and spelling.
  • Thoughtfully and carefully organized. (Introduction, Conclusion, Body Paragraphs)
  • Proofread.
  • Answering the question being asked.
  • Demonstrate a heightened level of critical thinking and analysis.
  • Use of outside resources (properly cited) to support the analysis.

    When answering your question, work hard to make connections between your analysis and the material that you have been covering in your reading. While I value your views, this essay is not intended to be presented as simple reaction piece. Take your time to develop a carefully crafted and thoughtful answer.

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