Discussion: Reflection Post: “Build-a-Leader Workshop”

Based on everything you have learned this term about leadership traits, skills, and styles, use this final forum to describe to your peers how you would “build” the perfect leader, using only the “ingredients” (traits, skills, styles) we explored throughout the course.

Be sure to consider how your “perfect” leader would perform in terms of building an organizational culture that operates at the highest possible tribal stage.

Can you build a leader capable of running a Stage 5 organization?

Course material

Module 1

Ackerman, C. (2017). The big five personality traits & the 5-factor model explained. Positive Psychology Program. Available in the Trident Online Library. Retrieved from https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/big-five-per…

Berson, Alan S. (2013). Changes in conversations from manager to leader. [Video File]. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Hall, G. (2009). Tribal leadership: An interview with David C. Logan and John King. Reflections, 9 (3-4), 15-19. Retrieved from [EBSCO host] Business Source Complete, AN Accession Number: 57520554. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Logan, D. (2011). Tribal Leadership. Google Tech Talks, [Video File]. Retrieved from

Partridge, A. (2012). Tribal leadership. How does it affect your company culture? Enviable Workplace. Retrieved from http://enviableworkplace.com/tribal-leadership-and…

Chapter 15.2: Understanding organizational culture. (2012). In Organizational behavior. Retrieved from https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_organizational-behavior-v1.1/s19-02-understanding-organizational-c.html. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

Module 2

Katz, R. L. (1955). Skills of an Effective Administrator. Harvard Business Review, 33 (1).[EBSCOhost] Business Source Complete, AN Accession Number: 6774557. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Mumford, M. D., Zaccaro, S. J., Harding, D. F., Jacobs, T. O. & Fleishman, E. A. (2000). Leadership skills for a changing world: Solving complex social problems. The Leadership Quarterly, 11 (1), 11-35. Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

Module 3

Cameron, E., &  Green, M. (2017). Chapter 6 – Transformational and transactional leadership. Essential leadership: develop your leadership qualities through theory and practice. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Ibarra, H. (2015). Situational leadership [Video File]. Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

Guttman, H., M. (2015). Situational leadership as a dance [Video File].  Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

Rosenbach, W. E., Taylor, R. L., & Youndt, M. A. (Eds), (2012).  Chapter 25 – The antileadership vaccine: Failure of confidence, Contemporary issues in leadership (7th ed.) Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

Rubino, L. G., Esparza, S. J., Reid C., Yolanda, S., (Eds.), (2014). Chapter 10 – Transformational leadership: Transformational leadership defined. New leadership for today’s health care professionals: concepts and cases.  Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

Thompson, K. (2016). Leadership is more personal than transactional. Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library. [Video File].

Module 4

McKeown, L. (2012). Leaders as visionaries. [Video File]. Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

McKeown, L. (2012). Leaders as processors. [Video File]. Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

McKeown, L. (2012). Leaders as operators. [Video File]. Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

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