All information needed to answer discussion questions comes from your Chapter 13 text book readings and Chapter 13 & 15 power points ( attached below) . Do not consult outsideresources other than your text book or supplied videos to answer these questions.Answers must be atleast 200 words long and should come from the information presented in the text book readings and then your interpretation/integration of that information to receive credit. If, after you have posted your initial response, you would like to look up additional information from another source and use that information in a response to another student’s post, that is allowed. The key is to make sure you are not consulting outside sources to shape your answers.

Option A:

Reflect on the reading about power. Researchers argue that one of the reasons some people have power over others is that individuals are so quick to conform. Several classic studies, including the Asch Studies, help to illustrate this idea. Watch the following video about the Asch Studies, and think about the “real-life” implications. Then watch the next video which is a more modern conformity experiment, and think about the “real-life” implications of this experiment.

After watching the videos, answer the below questions:

  • From your perspective, taken together, what are some “real-life” implications of these studies?
  • In your opinion, how might conformity play a role in the workplace?
  • In your opinion, how can an awareness of this information help you in the workplace?
  • One could argue that these are just silly experiments taking place in a somewhat controlled setting but that such conformity would not take place in the real world. In your opinion, do you agree or disagree? Why?

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