Public Health Implications of Disasters

Week 6 – Surge Capacity


Textbook Assignments

1. Koenig and Schultz, Chapter 3: Surge Capacity

2. Landesman chapter 4: Essentials of Disaster Planning

Journal Articles and other readings

1. Congressional Report on Surge Capacity. Surge capacity report for House.pdf

Journal articles–optional

1. American College of Emergency Physicians Policy Statement on Surge Capacity.ACEP Surge Capacity policy.pdf

2. Derek DeLia. Annual Bed Statistics Give a Misleading Picture of Hospital Surge Capacity. Annual Bed Statistics Give a Misleading Picture of Hospital Surge Capacity.pdf

3. Carl Bonnett et al. Surge Capacity: A Proposed Conceptual Framework. Surge capacity – a proposed conceptual framework.pdf

4. John Hick et al. Health Care Facility and Community Strategies for Patient Care Surge Capacity. Health care facility and community strategies for patient care surge capacity.pdf

5. Carl Schultz et al. Improving Hospital Surge Capacity: A New Concept for Emergency Credentialing of Volunteers. Improving Hospital Surge Capacity – A new Concept for Emergency Credentialing of Volunteers.pdf

6. Medical Surge Capacity and Capability document.

Week 6 Project: Medical Surge Capacity and Capability PPT

The Medical Surge Capacity and Capability document written by Dr. Barbera and his colleagues is the de facto comprehensive document on ramping up healthcare assets in the US to respond to a disaster.

It can be found on the US Department of Health and Human Services website at this address: Handbook – A Management System for Integrating Medical and Health Resources During Large-Scale Emergencies.pdf

The document describes a systematic approach for managing the medical and public health response to an emergency or disaster. The MSCC handbook identifies recent changes to the Federal emergency response structure, particularly the Federal public health and medical response. It also expands on several concepts described in the first edition of the MSCC handbook to facilitate their implementation. While the tiered approach described in this handbook is consistent with NIMS and the NRP, this revision addresses terminology and concept descriptions to assure consistency with Federal guidance.”

Assignment: Prepare a slideshow in which you summarize ONE chapter or tier of MSCC (as assigned). Employ other internet resources, the DHHS website, photos and any other elements to provide examples about your assigned chapter. By reading all of the submissions, you will learn about the MSCC document without having to read the entire thing word for word.

– 10- 12 slides with speaker notes for each slide.

– APA Style

PowerPoint Projects: PowerPoint projects are designed to allow you to showcase your grasp of factual knowledge, to demonstrate your ability to distill the essential concepts of a topic, and to go further by drawing conclusions and inferences about these topics. When you are finished with the course you will have a small arsenal of lectures at your disposal. Projects should be brief, to the point but complete.

Tips for a good PowerPoint presentation: There is an example/tutorial in how to create an effective PowerPoint presentation that can be found under the Course Documents tab in BB. This will be particularly useful to students who have not had experience with these presentations in the past but may also help others refine their skills. You will be graded not only on the content but also the visual appeal and general effectiveness of your presentation in conveying the content.

Slides should have no more than 4-6 lines of text per slide, and 1-3 ideas per slide max. Text should be in bullet format, not paragraph/prose format. Information should be conveyed in a concise but comprehensible manner. Do not write too much, as this creates a crowded slide which is visually overwhelming. Your meaning will get lost in the slide and your audience will lose interest. Do not write too little as this makes it difficult to understand your intended meaning. You may receive a lower grade because it will not be clear that you understood the concepts. Use photos and diagrams thoughtfully to supplement and advance your presentations, not just as meaningless filler.

Each presentation should have a title slide, an objective slide and one or more reference slides. The title slide should contain the title of your presentation, your full name, the date and DMM-643. The objectives slide should outline the main bullet points that your presentation will cover. These should be analogous to lessons you expect your intended target audience to learn from your presentations. Your target audience has a basic disaster management background equivalent to your own. You do not need to include background material such as the history of ICS in your presentation.

The number of slides will be assigned for each presentation. The student may go above that number by 2-3 slides but may not go below the assigned number. The assigned number of slides does NOT INCLUDE the title, objectives or reference slides. It also will not include slides with pictures or diagrams unless those slides substantively advance the presentation. This means that if this were a live presentation you would spend at least one minute discussing that picture/diagram. If you use photos or other multimedia in your presentation and it is not your own work (i.e., you took it from the internet) you MUST reference it on the slide (as opposed to the references slide at the end.

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