The purpose of this assignment is to creatively illustrate traditional and new media options. An understanding of the target audience and effective communication for each is a desired outcome. It provides the Learning Team the opportunity to creatively illustrate traditional and new media options. An understanding of the target audience and effective communication for each is a desired outcome.

Assignment Steps

choose a brand (STARBUCKS!) and a related brand strategy.

Create a Microsoft
® PowerPoint
® presentation. which illustrates one traditional media option (print, TV, radio, billboard, etc.) and one new (social media) media option for your brand and brand strategy.

IN 2 SLIDES, discuss the Channel Differences Between Media Options FOR STARBUCKS

Discuss in a minimum 200 words the differences between the traditional media option and the new media option in terms of audience, reach, channel and content. A table of differences may be used to concisely illustrate the differences but you must include a discussion of insights/concerns/issues between the media options.

Note: Charts/graphs/tables in your Microsoft® Word write-up do not count towards the word count.

AT LEAST ONE peer-reviewed references

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