Assignment 1: Answer the questions attached in a word document


Prepare a lesson plan for your class or a group of students to do an in-depth research on a topic in geometry and then prepare a PowerPoint presentation illustrating the topic. Your lesson plan should include the following: lesson title, objectives, grade level, materials, lesson duration, procedure, assessment, technology component, and lesson extension. Prepare a two-page evaluation of the lesson.

Scoring Rubrics for Assignment #4

Comprehensiveness of the research 5 points
Comprehensiveness of the lesson plan 10 points
Evidence of field testing/reflection of the activity 5 points
Use of technology 1 point
Accommodation of different learning needs 2 points
Include assessment 2 points
Clarity of the two-page evaluation 3 points
Presentation of the lesson 2 points
Total 30 points

Total Value: 30 Points

Presentation and Submission Due: Session 8

Objectives: #1, 5, 16, 21, 25

AP: # 1 – 12

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