Match the explanation with the appropriate Key Term. Read Answer Items for Question 8 Read Answer Items for Question 8 Read Answer Items for Question 8 Read Answer Items for Question 8 Read Answer Items for Question 8 Read Answer Items for Question 8 Read Answer Items for Question 8 Read Answer Items for Question 8 Read Answer Items for Question 8 Read Answer Items for Question 8 Answer A. A step of the mind whereby someone concludes that something is true based on something else being true or seeming to be true. B. The idea that nothing can be proven to be true. C. Those things that humans take for granted based on their past experiential knowledge. D. General categories or ideas that humans use to interpret and classify the information that comes into their thinking. E. Cognitive material that humans take into their minds but do not understand. F. Information that is taken into the mind that is true, understood, and that leads to further illumination. G. The frame of reference, perspective, or worldview that underlies one’s reasoning. H. Data, facts, and observations that are used by human reason to understand its reality. I. The goal of objective of thinking. J. Taking into the mind information that is false and using it as if it were true.

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