Marketing Strategy Research Paper

Course: Marketing Management

Textbook: Marketing Management14ed. Kotler, Pearson. ISBN:9780132102926

For this course, you need to do research on that IKEA’s Marketing Strategy.That research will then translate into full 7-pages paper, double-spaced paper, with citations in APA format. providing a rather comprehensive overview of the IKEA’s marketing management program.

Marketing Plan Contents

  • Executive summary
  • Table of contents
  • Situation analysis
  • Marketing strategy
  • Marketing tactics
  • Financial projections
  • Implementation controls

Evaluating a Marketing Plan

  • Is the plan simple/succinct?
  • Is the plan complete?
  • Is the plan specific?
  • Is the plan realistic?

Other Marketing Plan Contents

  • Marketing research
  • Specifications for internal and external relationships
  • Action plans and schedules


1. Be creative but ensure that the paper is robust and substantial to warrant the points allocated to this assignment.

2. Add diagrams where it would be interesting, do analysis if appropriate, do proper citations, provide references.

3. Note that written business reports should generally be in the third person (not first person).

4. This is about full 7-pages, not including bibliography or title pages, charts or tables.

5. References should be a minimum of 6

6. Using APA style format for citations.

7. Wikipedia and other web-based encyclopedic sources may be used, but should only compile no more than 25% of the research resources.

8. Any verbiage taken directly from a citation should be put in quotations and cited properly.

Plagiarism is not acceptable in any form and a score of zero will be given on the paper, as the paper will be checked by Turnitin Website for plagiarism.

FYI… I have attached the PPT files of Chapter 2 named (Kotler_mm15e_inppt_02rev), which is talking about Marketing Strategy Research and Plan, this chapter will help you when you do the Marketing Strategy Research on IKEA USA.

Textbook name:Marketing Management14ed. Kotler, Pearson, ISBN: 9780132102926

To have an idea about what the Textbook contains, kindly see the below:

This Textbook contains:

Chapter 01 Defining Marketing for the 21stCentury

Chapter 02 Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

Chapter 03 Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment

Chapter 04 Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting on Demand

Chapter 05 Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships

Chapter 06 Analyzing Consumer Markets

Chapter 07 Analyzing Business Market

Chapter 08 Identifying Market Segments and Targets

Chapter 09 Creating Brand Equity

Chapter 10 Crafting the Brand Position

Chapter 11 Competitive Dynamics

Chapter 12 Setting Product Strategy

Chapter 13 Designing and Managing Services

Chapter 14 Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs

Chapter 15 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing

Chapter 16 Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics

Chapter 17 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications

Chapter 18 Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events and Experiences, and Public Relations

Chapter 19 Managing Personal Communications: Direct and Interactive Marketing, Word of Mouth, and Personal Selling

Chapter 20 Introducing New Marketing Offerings

Chapter 21 Tapping into Global Markets

Chapter 22 Managing a Holistic Marketing 0rganization

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