You will be working on the same project throughout the term. Your final Portfolio Project will be a compilation of your Portfolio assignments throughout the term.
Assume you are the president of a construction general contractor and you intend to promote your company and attract clients. You intend to prepare a marketing and prequalification package that, at a minimum, contains the following:
- A one-page introductory letter on professionally developed letterhead that you have designed for your company. The letter properly introduces your firm, provides adequate contact information, identifies your company’s areas of expertise, summarizes its past experience in performing as a general contractor, and provides other relevant and necessary information to describe why owner firms/clients should hire your firm for their construction projects. The letter is meant to function as a prequalification statement written in narrative form that describes why you believe your firm is a qualified general contractor.
- A list of at least five potential qualifying questions that you would like to receive from owner firms/prospective clients. This list is not intended to be comprehensive (all-inclusive) but it is meant to be a complete list (i.e., properly satisfies the objectives) that demonstrates the merits of your company in a reasonable and appropriate manner. By properly responding to these questions, prepare a two-page document that provides insight about your firm. Out of these five questions, a minimum of three questions should not be covered by the content of the introductory letter referenced above.
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